Prof. Dr. Angela Schorr
Homepage Media Psychology and Educational Psychology
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Room: H-C-7321 Telephone/Fax:++49(0)271/740-4685
Office hours:Consultation hours can be arranged flexibly by email.
Short Curriculum Vitae
Since 2000
University professor (full professor) for media psychology and educational psychology at the University of Siegen |
1997 | After temporary professorships in Munich and Düsseldorf, appointment as an associate professor (tenure) at the University of Eichstaett |
Habilitation with the Venia Legendi for psychology (second doctoral degree) |
Academic director, appointed for life (Post-doc
since 1982; since 1984 appointed for life) to the
Chair for Psychology I/II at the University of
Eichstaett; research stays in the USA, Australia,
Great Britain, Israel etc.
After research stays in the USA and Great Britain funded by a doctoral scholarship from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the doctoral degree was received from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Muenchen |
1978 and 1979
Research assistant in the Department of
Education at the University of the Armed Forces,
Munich; in parallel, psychological practice as a
work & organizational psychologist in the
Central Human Resources Department of Siemens AG,
Wittelsbacherplatz, Munich
After studying psychology at the universities
of Cologne and Munich, diploma (equivalent to a
master’s degree) in psychology at the Ludwig-
Maximilians-University in Munich
Abitur (general qualification for university entrance) at the Cologne-Chorweiler Municipal High School |
Further Qualifications
Licensed psychological psychotherapist (cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy)
Activities in scientific societies, professional
associations and national/international commissions
Since 2008
Member of the DGPs Commission "Professional ethical guidelines for dealing with the media" |
Since 1995
Chairwoman of the German Society for Media
Effects Research (DGMF)
Member and from 2006 chair of the ethics
committee of the German Psychological Society
Member of the Internationalization Committee
(ICA Standing Committee) of the International
Communication Association (ICA)
President of the European Communication
Association (ECA, today European Communication and
Education Research Association ECREA)
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the
Test Center (Hogrefe Verlag, Göttingen)
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the
Leibniz Center for Psychological Information and
Documentation at the University of Trier (ZPID)
Chair of the German Psychological Associations
Member of the Executive Council of the European
Federation of Psychologists Associations (EFPA)
Deputy State Chair, Chair of the Clinical
Psychology Section, Vice-President & President
of the German Association of Professional
Current Work and Research Priorities
- Educational research based on educational psychology (esp. college & university students; young adults)
- Application and psychological effects of digital media in teaching and learning processes; digital media and teachers training
- Women and IT; women and digital media
- Media use and effects in early childhood; childhood and youth media research
- Health psychology; healthcare communication; eHealth
- Empathy; Psychological reactance
- Musical experience & talent; music & health
- Psychological diagnostics & test development
Organization of Meetings, Conferences and Congresses
2017 |
“13th Congress of the
Health Psychology Division of the German
Association of Psychology (DGPs)”; University of
Title: "Health Psychology 4.0- Conceptual Innovations, Interdisciplinary Perspectives, New Careers" (214 participants) |
Psychology Meets Informatics.International
Conference”. Conference management and scientific
program: Angela Schorr; Technical direction:
Alexander Gorovoj (85 participants); University of
Communication Congress 2003”, also the “4th
Conference of the German Society for Media Effects
Research (DGMF)”. Joint organizers: European
Communication Association (ECA) and German Society
for Media Effects Research(DGMF).Program and
organization: Angela Schorr (University of Siegen);
University of Philosophy, Munich; Sponsors: Verlag
de Gruyter, Berlin (210 participants)
“3rd Conference of
the German Society for Media Effects Research
(DGMF)” on the topic "Media Effects Research 2000",
University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart); responsible
for program and organization: Michael Schenk
(University of Hohenheim); Co-organization: Angela
Schorr (DGMF) (180 participants)
“2nd Conference of
the German Society for Media Effects Research
(DGMF)” on the topic "Media Effects Research before
the turn of the millennium - status and
perspectives", University of Frankfurt and
Boersenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels. Joint
organizers: Henning Haase (University of Frankfurt)
and Angela Schorr (DGMF), scientific program:
Angela Schorr (University of Eichstaett) and
Matthias Rath (PH Ludwigsburg). Sponsors: The ZEIT
Foundation, the Bertelsmann Foundation, AOL-Europe,
the ZDF and the Gruner + Jahr publishing house (230
"38. Conference of
Experimental Psychologists (TeaP '96)”, University
of Eichstaett. Organization and program: Angela
Schorr (1240 participants); Funding: Volksbank
Eichstaett; Eichstaetter Universitätsgesellschaft
1996 | “1st Conference of
the German Society for Media Effects Research
(DGMF)”on "Media Psychology - Media Effects
Research", University of Eichstaett. Organization
and program: Angela Schorr (DGMF; 60 participants)
Conference "Current
State of the Art and Future Perspectives of
Research Methods in Psychology", University of
Eichstaett. Organization and program: Angela
Schorr; Funding: VW Foundation (110 participants)
"First Conference on
the History of Psychology" (at the same time
founding meeting of the History of Psychology
Division of the German Association of Psychology,
DGPs), University of Eichstaett. Organization and
program: Angela Schorr and Ernst G. Wehner.
Funding: VW Foundation (90 participants)
"13.Congress for
Applied Psychology”, University of Bonn.
Organization and program: Angela Schorr. Sponsors:
German Association of Professional Psychologists
(BDP), Hogrefe Verlag as well as other psychology
publishers and equipment manufacturers (1,300
Memberships in Professional Associations
University Committee WorkUniversity of Eichstaett:
University of Siegen:
Expert Activities