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Current Research

Currently, the team of the Chair of Psychological Aging Research is engaged in the following projects (in alphabetical order):

Decision-making places in Alzheimer’s dementia – supporting advance decision-making by improving person-environment fit

The project will test the hypothesis that familiarity reduces complexity and that this can enable people with Alzheimer's dementia to make self-determined advance decisions (living wills).

Participatory pilot study DelpHi-SW (Dementia: life- and person-centred help in Siegen-Wittgenstein) 

The project addresses Dementia Care Management (DeCM) as one of the fundamental areas of change in the National Dementia Strategy. On the basis of the DelpHi standard for the outpatient care of people with dementia, which has already been positively evaluated, the development and implementation of a regional and cross-sectoral DeCM model for the region of Siegen-Wittgenstein (SW) is being tested and evaluated. Following a participatory research approach, practitioners from different care sectors as well as people with dementia and their caregivers from SW participate as co-researchers in all study phases. 

emma_ref EmMa  
Promotion of capacity to consent to medical treatment among persons with dementia by means of resource-oriented communication

Persons with dementia are currently put at a disadvantage because the methods used to assess their capacity for consent are largely dependent on their verbal communication skills. However, it is precisely these that are limited by the disease. Against this background, EmMa focuses on the research question: How can the assessment of the capacity for consent be improved by means of resource-oriented communication?

ensure_ref ENSURE  
Enhancing the Informed Consent Process: Supported decision-making and capacity assessment in clinical dementia research

The major achievement of ENSURE project is the provision of recommendations for clinical researchers on how to a) enhance the capacity to consent of people with dementia, b) improve the assessment of decision-making capacity, and c) protect those who do not have the capacity to consent. The results of this project contribute towards achieving an adequate balance between autonomy and protection of dementia patients in clinical research.


For further information please click on each


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