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Psychological Assessment and Individual Differences

Arbeitsgruppe Psychologische Diagnostik und Differentielle Psychologie

The research group Psychological Assessment and Individual Differences focuses on inter- and intraindividual variation in thoughts, feelings, and behavior in everyday life. We investigate how people perceive their environments, situations, or major life events, and how this perception impacts their behavior. To this end, we primarily conduct daily diary and experience sampling studies as well as experiments and twin studies (see Current Studies). In addition, we develop and validate measurement instruments to assess psychological characteristics such as study aptitude, personality traits, or motivation. A list of publications can be found on the websites of the respective team members. 

For more information about the members of the research group, office hours and contact information, please visit the Team section.

Psychological Assessment and Individual Differences is represented in various courses in the Bachelor’s and Master's programs. We also supervise theses in this area. You can find more information here.

We also offer workshops in R, data analysis, or topics such as personnel selection and personnel development. You can find more information about our offers here.

The research group administers the Department of Psychology's test library (Testothek). Information about the Testothek can be found here.

Thank you for your interest in Psychological Assessment and Individual Differences!

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