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Dr. Lars Göllner

Dr. Lars Göllner


University of Siegen
Faculty II
Department of Psychology
Developmental Psychology and Clinical Psychology of the Lifespan
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2a
D-57076 Siegen, Germany


Office: AR-NB 111

Phone: +49 (0)271 740-4391

Fax: +49 (0)271 740-15008

Email: lars.goellner(at)uni-siegen.de


Research interests
  • Intergenerational relationship of self-regulation

  • Delay of Gratification over the lifespan

  • Self-efficacy of children and adolescents


Curriculum Vitae



Research fellow and PhD student, University of Siegen (Developmental Psychology, Prof. Simon Forstmeier)

10/2011 – 10/2013 

Master "Psychology" University of Erfurt
Degree: Master of Science

Topic of the master thesis

"Imitation of three year olds depending on self-efficacy and speech comprehension"

10/ 2008 – 09/2011 

Bachelor "Lehr-, Lern- und Trainingspsychologie" University of Erfurt
Degree: Bachelor of Arts

Scientific internships

07/2014 – 10/ 2014 

Scientific internship at the University of Queensland in Brisbane
Practical assistance of research work within the team of Prof. Mark Nielsen at the School of Psychology 

08/2012 – 12/2012

Scientific internship in the Junior Research Group "Kleinkindforschung in Thüringen" (Infant and Toddler Reasearch in Thuringia) at the University of Erfurt

01/ 2012 – 04/2012

Practical assistance of research work within the Junior Research Group

Further training

02/2014 – 02/2015

Further training of the GwG (Society for person-centered psyotherapy and consulting) in "person-centered psychotherapy and consulting for children and juveniles and their referemce persons"
Prof. Dr. Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff and Dipl.-Psych. Ulrike Hollick


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