Dr. Kristian Kleinke
Akademischer Oberrat, Psychologische Methodenlehre, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut (VT)
Research Interests: Missing data & multiple imputation, SEM, insbesondere Modelle für Längsschnitts- und Paneldaten Sprechstunde: Nach Vereinbarung |
Postadresse: Universität Siegen Telefon: +49 (0)271 740-2974 | International: University of Siegen Phone: +49 (0)271 740-2974 |
Selected publications:
(find the complete list of publications here)
- Kleinke, K., Schlüter, E., & Christ, O. (2017). Strukturgleichungsmodelle mit Mplus – eine praktische Einführung (2. Auflage). München: Oldenbourg.
- Kleinke, K. (2018). Multiple imputation by predictive mean matching when sample size is small. Methodology, 14, 3–15.
doi:10.1027/1614-2241/a000141 - Beblo, T., Pelster, S., Schilling, C.,Kleinke, K., Iffland, B., Driessen, M., & Fernando,S. (2017). Breath versus emotions: The impact of different foci of attention during mindfulness meditation on the experience of negative and positive emotions. Behavior Therapy, 49, 702–714.
doi:10.1016/j.beth.2017.12.006 - Kleinke, K. (2017). Multiple imputation under violated distributional assumptions – A systematic evaluation of the assumed robustness of predictive mean matching. Journal of Educational and Behavioural Statistics, 42(4), 371–404.
doi:10.3102/1076998616687084 - Kleinke, K. & Reinecke, J. (2013). Multiple imputation of incomplete zero-inflated count data. Statistica Neerlandica, 67(3), 311–336.
doi:10.1111/stan.12009 - Kleinke, K., Stemmler, M., Reinecke, J., & Lösel, F. (2011). Efficient ways to impute incomplete panel data. Advances in Statistical Analysis, 95(4), 351–373.