Anne Möbert, M.Sc.
Anne Möbert has been a doctoral student at the University of Siegen since September 2021. In the context of her dissertation, she is interested in digitization in work with a special focus on leadership behavior in the context of employer branding and recruiting. Thereby, she especially researches the concept of Ethical Leadership and building trust already before joining a company. Other areas of interest are, for example, topics related to health in the workplace, trust and distrust in governments, or questions regarding forensic psychology.
Short CV
since 09/2021 | Research associate and PhD student at the chair of social and business psychology, University of Siegen |
05/2022 – 04/2023 | Research associate in the project „EnTrust: Enlightened Trust in Governance“, University of Siegen |
05/2021 – 02/2022 | Advanced training in systemic coaching and change management (certified), INeKO Köln |
10/2019 – 09/2021 | Master of Science Psychology, University of Bielefeld |
10/2019 – 09/2021 | Working student Talent Management and Organizational Development, Arvato Financial Solutions |
04/2019 – 09/2019 | HR manager with focus on Talent Management, BST eltromat |
04/2015 – 03/2019 | Bachelor of Science Psychology, FernUniversität in Hagen |
Publications and Conference Presentations
Möbert, A., & Masling, A. (2023). Taking a Processual Perspective on Trust and Distrust in Institutional and Interpersonal Contexts – German WP5 Report. In Integrated report on the Psychological Insights into Trust/Distrust: Deliverable 5.2 (pp. 82-119). EnTrust.
Masling, A., & Möbert, A. (2023, September 28-29). Development of a Questionnaire to Measure Trust and Distrust in Institutions [Conference Presentation]. Trust and Distrust in Governance: Exploring the Impact of Social and Political Dynamics, Siena, Italy.
Šerek, J., Brojáč, J., Möbert, A., Masling, A., Đorđević, A., Ilić, V., Padoan, E., & Marangoni, F. (2023, September 28-29). How the Actions of Authorities Affect Their Perceived Legitimacy: A Developmental Perspective [Conference Presentation]. Trust and Distrust in Governance: Exploring the Impact of Social and Political Dynamics, Siena, Italy.