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PD Dr. Johannes B. Finke

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Johannes Finke


Consultation hours: by appointment

Postal address:
University of Siegen
Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Obergraben 23
57072 Siegen, Germany

Phone: +49 271 740-2969

Office: US-V 105



2019 – present

Akademischer Rat (senior researcher) at the Chair of Clinical Psychology, University of Siegen

2017 – 2019

Post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Clinical Psychophysiology, University of Trier (Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schächinger)

2014 – 2017

Research Associate/doctoral student at the Department of Clinical Psychophysiology

2013 – 2014

Research Assistant at the Department of Clinical Psychophysiology




Habilitation (Venia Legendi in psychology) at the University of Siegen. Title: "Pupil dilation and related autonomic markers as indices of emotional processing. Investigating effects of sexual arousal, stress, learning, and individual differences"

2014 – 2017

Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.) in Psychobiology at the University of Trier, grade summa cum laude. Title: "Utilizing Startle Modulation to Investigate the Interplay of Implicit Visual Cues of Self-relevance and Emotional Processing"

2012 – 2014

Studies in Psychology at the University of Trier.
Master of Science, grade 1.1

2009 – 2012

Studies in Psychology at the WWU Münster.
Bachelor of Science, grade 1.3

2002 – 2009

Studies in German Philology, Philosophy and General Linguistics at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU) Münster.
Magister Artium, grade 1.28



  • Dissertation award of the University of Trier
  • SPR Poster Award (58. Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research in Quebec City, Canada)



  • Biological Psychology
  • International Journal of Psychophysiology
  • Journal of Neurophysiology
  • Physiology & Behavior
  • PLOS one
  • Psychology Research and Behavior Management
  • Psychoneuroendocrinology
  • Psychophysiology
  • Scientific Reports



(find the complete list of publications here)

Finke, J.B., Roesmann, K., Stalder, T., Klucken, T. (2021). Pupil dilation as an index of Pavlovian conditioning. A systematic review and meta-analysis, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 130, 351-368.

Finke, J.B., Deuter, C.E., Hengesch, X., Schächinger, H. (2017). The time course of pupil dilation evoked by visual sexual stimuli: exploring the underlying ANS mechanisms. Psychophysiology, 54(10), 1444-58.

Finke, J.B., Behrje, A., Schächinger, H. (2018). Acute stress enhances pupillary responses to erotic nudes: evidence for differential effects of sympathetic activation and cortisol. Biological Psychology, 137, 73-82.

Finke, J.B., Kalinowski, G.I., Larra, M.F., Schächinger, H. (2018). The socially evaluated handgrip test: Iíntroduction of a novel, time-efficient stress protocol. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 87, 141-146.

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