Dr. Stefanie Baisch-Schmidt
Research Assistant
![]() | Office hours during the lecture period: Office hours during the semester break: Contact via email
Address: Office: AR-NB 0114 Phone: +49 (0)271 740-5008 |
- Use of new technologies in old age
- social robots in therapy
- Human-Robot-Interaction & Anthropomorphization
- Stereotyping by Design
- Person-Environment-Exchange
- PTSD following subarachnoid hemorrhage and SHT.
Decision-making places in Alzheimer’s dementia – supporting advance decision-making by improving person-environment fit
since 12/2019 | post-doctoral position, Psychological Ageing Research, University of Siegen |
02/2019 | phD: graduation (magna cum laude) |
06/2017 – 09/2017 | statistical consulting (service contract) for the Department of Economy and Law of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences |
07/2015 – 03/2018 | phD scholarship holder of the Frankfurter Forums of Interdisciplinary Ageing Research at the Goethe University, Frankfurt |
10/2013 – 09/2014 | research assistant at the Institute of Developmental Psychology at the Goethe University, Frankfurt |
10/2002 – 02/2009 | Study of psychology (Diplom) at the University of Konstanz |
Seit 08/2019 | Neuropsychologist at Dr. Ackermann (out-patient psychological and neuropsychological practice), Bad Homburg, Hessen |
Seit 01/2019 | Neuropsychologist at the in-patient neurological clinic Vitos Weil-Lahn Weilmünster, Hessen |
03/2018 – 12/2018 | Neuropsychologist at the in-patient rehabilitation clinic MedicalPark Bad Camberg, Hessen |
Seit 04/2017 | Neuropsychologist the psychiatric in- and out-patients clinic of the Main-Kinzig-Kliniken Schlüchtern/ Gelnhausen, Hessen |
10/2014 – 06/2016 | Psychologist at reIntegro (out-patient visiting rehabilitation), Frankfurt |
05/2009 – 09/2013 | Neuropsychologist at the in-patient rehabilitation clinic Kliniken Schmieder, Gailingen, Baden-Württemberg |
Florack, J., Abele, C., Baisch, S., Forstmeier, S., Garmann, D., Grond, M., Hornke, I., Karakaya, T., Karneboge, J., Knopf, B., Lindl, G., Müller, T., Oswald, F., Pfeiffer, N., Prvulovic, D., Poth, A., Reif, A., Schmidtmann, I., Theile-Schürholz, A., Ullrich, H., & Haberstroh, J. (2023). Project DECIDE, part II: decision-making places for people with dementia in Alzheimer’s disease: Supporting advance decision-making by improving person-environment fit. BMC Medical Ethics, 24(1), 26. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-023-00905-0
Baisch, S., & Kolling, T. (2022). Elders' expectations and experiences with a companion-type robot: Ethical expectations. In Hakli et al. (Eds.) Social Robots in Social Institutions. IOS Press (p.60-69). https://doi.org/10.3233/FAIA220604
Baisch, S., et al. (2022). Project DECIDE, part 1: Increasing the amount of valid advance directives in people with Alzheimer’s disease by offering advance care planning — A prospective double-arm intervention study. BMC Medical Ethics, 23, 132 (online first). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-022-00854-0
Baisch, S., & Kolling, T. (2021). Roboter in der Therapie – Vom Demonstrationsobjekt zum Psychotherapeuten. In O. Bendel (Hrsg.), Soziale Roboter. Technikwissenschaftliche, wirtschaftswissenschaftliche, philosophische, psychologische und soziologische Grundlagen. Springer.
Dudek, S., Baisch, S., Kolling, T., & Knopf. M. (2020). ‘This isn’t me’ – The role of age-related self- and user-images for robot acceptance by elders. International Journal of Social Robotics, online first. doi: 10.1007/s12369-020-00678-1
Baisch, S. (2018). The Relevance of User Characteristics for the Acceptance of Socially Assistive Robots by Elders. Promotionsschrift. Goethe-Universität.
Baisch, S., Kolling., T., & Knopf, M. (2018). Dynamic interplay between general experience and robot-specific expertise at older adults’ first encounter with a robot: Implications for robot design. Gerontechnology 17, 215-231. Doi: 10.1007/gt.2018.
Baisch, S., Kolling., T., Rühl, S., Klein, B., Pantel, J., Oswald, F., & Knopf, M. (2018). Emotionale Roboter im Pflegekontext. Empirische Analyse des bisherigen Einsatzes und der Wirkungen von Paro und Pleo. Zeitschrift für Geriatrie und Gerontologie, 51, 16-24. doi: 10.1007/s00391-017-1346-8
Baisch, S., Kolling, T., Schall, A., Selic, S., Rühl, S., Kim, Z., Klein, B., Pantel, J., Oswald, F., & Knopf, M. (2017). Acceptance of social robots by elder people: Does psychosocial functioning matter? International Journal of Social Robotics, 9, 293-307. doi: 10.1007/s12369-016-0392-5
Baisch, S., Kolling, T., & Knopf, M. (2017). Factors impacting on older and younger people’s perceptions of elderly robot users. Innovations in Aging, 1(Suppl. 1), 1190. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igx004.4332
Kolling, T., Baisch, S., Schall, A., Selic, S., Rühl, S., Kim, Z., Klein, B., Pantel, J., Oswald, F., & Knopf, M. (2016). What is emotional in emotional robotics? In S. Tettegah & Y. Garcia (Hrsg.). Emotions, Technology & Health, Amsterdam: Elsevier (S. 85-103).
Noble, A.J., Baisch, S., Covey, J., Mukerji, N., Nath, F., & Schenk T. (2011). Subarachnoid Hemorrhage – Patients' fears of recurrence are related to the presence of posttraumatic stress disorder. Neurosurgery, 69, 323-332; Diskussion 332-333.
Baisch S.B., Schenk T. & Noble A.J. (2011). What is the cause of post-traumatic Stress disorder following subarachnoid haemorrhage? Post-Ictal Events are Key. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien), 153, 913-22.
Mukerji, N., Holliman, D., Baisch, S., Noble, A., Schenk, T., & Nath F. (2010): Neuropsychologic impact of treatment modalities in subarachnoid hemorrhage: Clipping is no different from coiling. World Neurosurgery 74, 129-38.
Noble, A.J., Baisch, S., Mendelow, A.D., Allen L., Kane, P., & Schenk T. (2008): Posttraumatic stress disorder explains reduced quality of life in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients in both the short and long term. Neurosurgery, 63, 1095-104; Diskussion 1004-5.