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Lilly Buck

Buck Lilly

Lilly Buck's PhD focuses on the perception of psychopathologically relevant situations. In her dissertation, she is working on the development of a measuring instrument to record situation perception in clinical samples and areas of application. She aims to develop an instrument that enables the cross-sectional assessment of interindividual differences in situation perception and that is theoretically and empirically integrated with existing, non-clinical taxonomies of situation perception. With the help of the instrument, she intends to explore connections between psychopathology and situation perception, for example in the form of contingencies between situations and (dysfunctional) behaviors or symptoms.

Postal address:
Universität Siegen
Fakultät II - Department Psychologie
Professur für Allgemeine und Differentielle Psychologie
Obergraben 23
D-57072 Siegen


  • since 2023: Training as psychological psychotherapist at the Center for Psychotherapy at the Institute of Psychology, Humboldt University Berlin (ZPHU)
  • since 2022: PhD program, Psychological Assessment and Individual Differences (Jun.-Prof. Kai Horstmann), University of Siegen
  • 2022: Master of Science, Psychologie, Humboldt University, Berlin 
  • 2018: Bachelor of Science, Psychologie, Humboldt University, Berlin

Research and study stays abroad

  • 2016 - 2017: ERASMUS+ study exchange, Università degli Studi di Padova

Professional background/experience

  • since 2021: Research Assistant,  Psychological Assessment and Individual Differences  (Jun.-Prof. Kai Horstmann), University of Siegen
  • 2016 – 2022: Student assistant at the Chair of Psychological Diagnostics (Prof. Matthias Ziegler), Humboldt University Berlin
  • 2016 – 2017: Student assistant at the Institute for Quality Development in Education (BiSpra project)

Teaching experience to date:

  • Seminar Interview and Assessment Procedures (B.Sc., Summer Semester 2024, University of Siegen)
  • Seminar Interview and Assessment Procedures (B.Sc., Summer Semester 2023, University of Siegen)
  • Seminar Performance and Personality Tests (B.Sc., Summer Semester 2023, University of Siegen)
  • Seminar Advanced Psychological Diagnostics (M.Sc., Winter Semester 2022/23, University of Siegen) 

Conference contributions

  • Buck, L. & Horstmann, K. (2024, August). Assessing Situation Perception in Clinical Psychology. Talk at the 21st European Conference on Personality (ECP21), Berlin, Deutschland.
  • Buck, L. & Horstmann, K. (2023, May). Recording Situations in Clinical ESM Studies. Talk at the 2nd German Psychotherapy Congress (DPK), Berlin, Germany.
  • Buck, L. & Horstmann, K. (2022, September). Measuring Situation Perception in Clinical Psychology. Talk at the 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs Congress), Hildesheim, Germany.
  • Buck, L. & Horstmann, K. (2022, July). Measuring Situation Perception in Clinical Psychology. Talk at the European Conference of Personality (ECP20), Madrid, Spain.

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