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Anabel Büchner

Büchner Anabel

Anabel Büchner beschäftigt sich in ihrer Promotion mit dynamischen Persönlichkeitsansätzen, die sich auf kurzfristige Veränderungen im Erleben und Verhalten konzentrieren. Im Unterschied zu etablierten Persönlichkeitstheorien gehen dynamische Ansätze z. B. davon aus, dass manche Personen zwei stabile Tendenzen pro Persönlichkeitsdimension haben können, sogenannte multiple "Attraktoren", zwischen denen sie im Alltag wechseln. In ihrer Dissertation untersucht sie u. a., wie zwei Attraktoren auf Basis von Experience-Sampling Daten geschätzt werden können, ob auch eine Erfassung in querschnittlichen Befragungen möglich ist, und welche Bedeutung multiple Attraktoren haben.


  • seit 2023: Promotionsstudentin gefördert durch die Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • 2022: Humboldt Research Track zur Vorbereitung des Promotionsprojekt, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • 2022: Master of Science, Psychologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 
  • 2019: Bachelor of Science, Psychologie, Universität Potsdam

Forschungs- und Auslandsaufenthalte

  • 2024: Forschungsaufenthalt, University of California, Davis (Prof. Emorie Beck)
  • 2023 – 2024: Forschungsaufenthalt, University of British Columbia (Prof. Friedrich Götz)
  • 2021: Auslandssemester & Forschungsaufenthalt, University of British Columbia (Prof. Jeremy Biesanz)
  • 2019: Auslandssemester, Vancouver Island University

Beruflicher Werdegang/Erfahrung

  • 2022 – 2023: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Universität Siegen (Prof. Marie Hennecke)
  • 2022: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Harvard Business School (Prof. Jon Jachimowicz)
  • 2021: Statistische Beraterin & Datenanalystin, Charité Berlin
  • 2020 – 2021: Studentische Hilfskraft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Prof. Kai Horstmann)
  • 2020, 2018: Studentische Hilfskraft, Universität Potsdam (Prof. Michela Schröder Abé)
  • 2017 – 2018: Forschungspraktikum, Universität Potsdam (Christina Ewert)

Bisherige Lehrveranstaltungen

  • Forschungsorientiertes Praktikum (B. Sc., Universität Siegen) 


  • Büchner, A., Ewert, C., Hoffmann, C. F. A., Schröder- Abé, M., & Horstmann, K. T. (2024). On the importance of being clear about the level of analysis of interest: An illustration using the case of self- compassion. Journal of Personality, 00, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12924
  • Ewert, C., Büchner, A., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2024). The Mediating Role of Stress Processing in the Relation of Self-Compassion and Affective Well-Being: Evidence from two Longitudinal Studies. Mindfulness. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-023-02295-1
  • Krautter, K., Büchner, A., & Jachimowicz, J. M. (2023). Extraverts Reap Greater Social Rewards From Passion Because They Express Passion More Frequently and More Diversely. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/01461672231211843 


Organisierte Symposien

  • Büchner, A. (2024, April). Navigating the Dynamics of Personality: Innovative Approaches in Measurement, Recruitment, and Methodology. Chaired symposia at the World Conference on Personality. Curaçao.
  • Yang, R. & Büchner, A. (2024, February). Navigating Conflicts in Goal Pursuit: A Multidimensional Perspective. Chaired symposia at the the Annual Convention of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). San Diego, USA.


  • Büchner, A., Götz, F. M., Beck, E. D., Horstmann, K. T.  Capturing Dynamic Conceptualizations of Personality Traits in Cross-Sectional Assessments. (2024, April). Talk presented at the World Conference on Personality. Curaçao.
  • Büchner, A., Horstmann, K., & Hennecke, M. Exploring Conceptualizations of Self-Control in Daily Life with Machine Learning. (2024, February). Talk presented at the Annual Convention of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). San Diego, USA.
  • Büchner, A., Ewert, C., Hoffmann, C.F. A., Schröder-Abé, M., & Horstmann, K. T. Disentangling the Within-Person and Between-Person Structure of Self-Compassion. (2022, July). Talk at the European Conference on Personality (ECP). Madrid, Spain.
  • Büchner, A., Ewert, C., Hoffmann, C.F. A., Schröder-Abé, M., & Horstmann, K. T. Disentangling the Within-Person and Between-Person Structure of Self-Compassion. (2022, February). Talk at the Dynamics in Personality Development Preconference of the Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). San Francisco, USA (online).
  • Büchner, A., Ewert, C., Hoffmann, C.F. A., Schröder-Abé, M., & Horstmann, K. T. Disentangling the Within-Person and Between-Person Structure of Self-Compassion. (2021, September). Talk at the Conference of the German Psychological Society Personality Psychology & Psychological Diagnostics (DPPD) Section. Ulm, Germany (online).


  • Büchner, A., Biesanz, J., Hecht, M., & Horstmann, K. T. Modeling Personality Traits in a Dynamic Systems Framework: Pitfalls and Ways to Overcome Them (2023, July). Poster presented at the Meeting of the Association for Research in Personality (ARP). Evanston, USA.
  • Büchner, A. & Horstmann, K. T. Can Dynamic Conceptualizations of Personality be Measured in Cross-Sectional Assessments? (2023, June). Poster presented at the Meeting of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS). Padua, Italy.
  • Büchner, A., Ewert, C., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2019, August). How Does Self-Compassion Increase Well-Being? An Investigation of the Mechanisms Underlying. Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID). Florence, Italy.
  • Büchner, A., Ewert, C., & Schröder-Abé, M. (2018, July). Don’t Be so Hard on Yourself! The Influence of Mindfulness Self-Compassion on Stress Processing and Well-Being. Poster presented at the International Conference on Mindfulness. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Eingeladene Vorträge

  • Büchner, A. Modeling Personality Traits in a Dynamic Systems Framework: Pitfalls and Ways to Overcome Them. (2023, July). Invited talk at the lab meeting of the department of psychological methods at the University of Marburg.
  • Büchner, A. Modeling Personality Traits in a Dynamic Systems Framework: Pitfalls and Ways to Overcome Them. (2023, June). Invited talk at the method group meeting of the University of Tübingen (online).
  • Büchner, A. Modeling Personality Traits in a Dynamic Systems Framework: Pitfalls and Ways to Overcome Them. (2022, November). Invited talk at the lab meeting of the Personality Processes Lab of the University of Melbourne (online).

Journal Reviewer

European Journal of Personality (Co-Reviewer)
Plos One
Current Psychology
Journal of Happiness Studies

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